Lily Schlinker and Janick Kremer are two young artists from Berlin. Together they have developed a unique way of combining partner acrobatics with partnering dance - bringing contemporary circus and dance close together. They met in 2014 in the Children and Youth Circus Cabuwazi. Between 2018 to 2022 they have studied Circus Arts at Codarts Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Rotterdam in the Netherlands with specializing in partner acrobatics and partnering dance. Their year of graduation is Take Off #13.
about us

Lily Schlinker (1999, she/her)
is a visual and performing artist, with 5 years she joined the circus and became a tightwire and slackrope walker as well as a partner acrobat. Lily is the manager of the Duo and organizes everything off stage. Next to performing, Lily is a photographer and illustrator:
Janick Kremer (1996, he/him)
has his movement background in the Korean Martial Arts Shinson Hapkido. He is a partner acrobat and aerial straps artist. In the Duo Lily&Janick he is the choreographic mastermind and responsible for everything that happens on stage.

Lily&Janick have been taught by Piotr Zdanovicz, Juan Liu, Wybren Wouda and Thomas Falk. In several group shows and acts they have worked with international directors and choreographers from the field, such as Lucho Smit, Marlene Rubinelli-Giordano, Birgit Haberkamp, Clementine Telesfort and Lisard Tranis.